
Heru (Horus) of Khemet (Ancient Egypt/Sudan)

"Egypt, the primeval seat of learning, was the high seat of Sun adoration.

The Sphinx, with the face to the east, represents Harmmachus, young Heru, or the rising Sun.

The orb is Osiris, the ruling god of day. In its descent it is the dying deity, going below to the land of Shades; but only to be resurrected as the victorious Horus, piercing the head of the dragon of darkness." --James Bonwick, Irish Druids & Old Irish Religions

The Egyptian sun god Heru (or one of the gods to whom he has been assilimated, such as Osiris or Ra) predated the Christ character by thousands of years and shares the following in common with Jesus:

*.Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Merion December 25th in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three "wise men."

*.His earthly father was named "Seb" ("Joseph"). Seb is also known as "Geb":"As Heru the Elder he...was believed to be the son of Geb and Nut." --Lewis Spence,Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends, 84.

*.He was of royal descent.

*.At age 12, he was a child teacher in the Temple, and at 30, he was baptized, having disappeared for 18 years.

*.Heru was baptized in the river Eridanus or Iarutana (Jordan) by "Anup the Baptizer" ("John the Baptist"), who was decapitated (beheaded).

*.He had 12 followers and/or fellow gods, two of whom were his "witnesses" and were named "Anup" and "Aan" (the two "Johns").

*.He performed miracles, exorcised demons and raised El-Azarus ("El-Osiris"), from the dead.

*.The Egyptian god walked on water.

*.His personal epithet was "Iusa," the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah," the" Father." He was thus called "Holy Child."

*.Heru was transfigured on the Mount.

*.The Egyptian god/Osiris was killed, buried for three days in a tomb, and resurrected.

*.Heru, Osiris and/or Ra were called the "Way, the Truth, the Light," "Messiah," "God's Anointed Son," the "Son of Man," the "Good Shepherd," the "Lamb of God," the "Word made flesh," the "Word of Truth," etc.

*.The Egyptian god was "the Fisher" and was associated with the Fish ("Ichthys"), Lamb and Lion.

*.He came to fulfill the Law.

*.The Egyptian god/Osiris was called "the KRST," or "Anointed One."

*.Like Jesus, "Heru was supposed to reign one thousand years."

Furthermore, inscribed about 3,500 years ago on the walls of the Temple at Luxor (Egypt) were images of the Annunciation, Immaculate Conception, Birth and Adoration of the pharaoh Amenhotep (Heru), with Thoth announcing to the queen that she will conceive; with the god Amun impregnating the queen; and with the infant being attended by "kings" bearing gifts.

In addition, in the catacombs at Rome are pictures of the baby Heru being held by the virgin mother Isis--the original "Madonna and Child."

Why is the story of Heru/Osiris the KRST so similar to that of Jesus the Christ?

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