
The Lifting Of Satan's Veil

Satan's Veil now being Lifted

As we draw closer to the Tribulation the veil that separates us from the demonic dimensions of evil is slowly being lifted as there is now a new explosion of knowledge as never before.

Our reality is based on things that we can see, touch, or feel. Now since the reality of our world is based on sight, our reality has become a living lie because the elites have hidden everything from our sight for thousands of years.

On a spiritual level it is known as the occult, which means, "hidden." Basically it means hidden knowledge. All true knowledge in physics, science, energy and such has been suppressed by the elite and only given to the highest levels of the secret societies.

For example most of the people on earth believe that we are so advanced because we drive around in cars containing a combustion engine that is old technology that is a 100 years old.

We have also been mind controlled into believing that there is no practical fuel outside of fossil fuels, which generates trillions of dollars in profits for the elite.

On a spiritual level the elite have created and control many religions.

The fact is that for a long time after the church was born there were no denominations. The elite have not only created many denominations of churches, they have also created much friction between them all.

You see if we were all united in one true knowledge, the elite would have never come into world power.

Now they are about to bring about a new spiritual unity based on ecumenicalism, witchcraft, and homosexuality.

The New World Order is almost here while religionists sing songs and hymms and feel good.

Today there are lies in the Churches that have been taught and repeated so many times that it has become fact. If you dare to correct these errors, they will call you a heretic.

The irony of this is that the churches are the ones that have been spreading heresy. A simple none controversial example is that Eve spoke to a talking snake and ate a magical apple.

The fact is that in the original languages of the scriptures, there is no mention of a snake or apple in the Garden. Yet there are generations of churchgoers that will fight you if you dare to bring it up.

Christians today have not only lost their direction, but they have been dummied down. Christians have become shopping mart believers who pick and chose what they want to believe and what makes them feel good. When confronted with truth they get a "bad feeling" that they say is the nudging of the Holy Spirit telling them to run away.

I wish someone could show me in scripture where is says our faith is based on feelings. Because of this mind set, most Christians do not even like to discuss the sacrifice of Christ because it is seen as too "negative."

Now that the veil is slowly being opened, people like David Icke, Zechariah Sitchin and others are coming forth to tell us the truth that has been hidden from us. It is part of the conditioning process used by the elite to condition us to a coming new reality in order to minimize the culture shock when everything comes to the surface.

Accurate books based on great secret knowledge are listed as fiction. So in the end they tell us the truth and we only accept it as it is fiction. A prime example of this was author H.G. Wells. His books had shown the future with such accuracy that many felt that he was some kind of prophet. His books were far ahead of their time. The thing is that it was well known that he was an insider working for the elite while calling for a new world government.

Now with David Icke he is giving us so-called new revelations about the reptilians that rule over us. Nothing new about this since it runs through out all history and in the Bible along with half animal and half human hybrids. There is nothing new about animal/human hybrids since H.G. Wells had spelled it all out in his book called Island of Dr. Moreau.

As for the Bible, one example can be found in 1 Chr. 11:22-23 "Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had done many acts; he slew two lionlike men of Moab: also he went down and slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day.

And he slew an Egyptian, a man of great stature, five cubits high; and in the Egyptian's hand was a spear like a weaver's beam; and he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear."

Here we see Benaiah kills two lion men, a lion, and one Nephilim giant.

David Icke has not presented us with any new knowledge since he has merely popularized it. This is being done in order to mentally prepare us fro the day the veil will be torn down and a new reality of witchcraft; reptilians, monsters and Satanism will take over the world.

How are Christians going to deal with spiritual attacks and Christian survival if the only thing the Churches preach is the "Love of Jesus?"

What do they do with people under demonic attack from drunken and violent husbands?

Where do children go for spiritual help after being molested by parents?

If people encounter strange happenings, whom can they talk too? Can they go to a church that plugs its ears and screams, "Stop! You're so negative! You should focus on the love Jesus more!"

There is a new demonic reality that Christians right now has to deal with. The churches need to wake up and ask for discernment everyday.

They also need to be preparing for the future tribulation when the veil is finally lifted.

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