
BREAKING: American Democrats Moved to Implement FIRST SHARIA LAW

While we’re all busy with the Holidays, house DEMOCRATS are pretty busy. They moved to implement America’s first Sharia Law.

This is something we need to be prepared for, because this way, they’ll be stripping us for our basic rights. We need to get all Americans aware of what’s happening!

On December 17, Democrat Congressmen quietly sponsored House Resolution 569, a resolution that asks lawmakers to condemn “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.”

The resolution specifically mentions Muslims, no other religious groups, and will serve as a test by which further criminalizing of “Islamophobia” may be introduced.

Democrats have shamelessly lumped together “hate speech” with “violence” in an effort to compare criticism of Islam to physically harming Muslims.

H.Res. 569 threatens to restrict our right to even report facts that tarnish Islam’s reputation, a law that all Sharia-governed countries already have in place.

According to, the resolution reads:

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the House of Representatives denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim; urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes

Muslims are slaughtering innocent people more than any other religious groups combined, all while refusing as a whole to condemn this barbaric Islamic terrorism, yet we are working to ensure these silent, consenting “moderates” have special protection — protection that they have never allowed religious minorities in their own countries.

In another passage, Democrats laughably purport that Muslims have contributed to the fabric of American society, but we’re assuming they don’t mean terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, countless frivolous CAIR lawsuits, whitewashed Islamic education in public schools, or whining about pork products and a lack of taxpayer-funded prayer rooms.

Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society

Still, the bill is purposefully vague in that it mentions prosecuting the perpetrators of “hate speech,” yet gives no definition for what it considers hate speech.

Of course, we who have spokenout about the intolerant fundamentals of Islam understand that this means uttering anything critical of Islam or its followers, regardless of facts or relevance to the Quran.

In conclusion, the bill ridiculously compares criticizing Islam as a violation of Muslims’ “civil rights,” as if disagreeing or even openly mocking someone’s beliefs is unconstitutional.

Our forefathers had exactly political andreligious mockery in mind when they penned our amendments, having experience the violation of limited speech and worship by their own King George III.

Indeed, free speech was never intendedto defend inoffensive speech, because inoffensive speech needs no protection.

Freedom of speech is solely for the offensive, meant to prevent those who would limit it because of their opposing beliefs.

We are witnessing the very implementation of Sharia law as it has always been established in every modern-day Islamic country.

Of course they wouldn’t start by legalizing the execution of homosexuals or mandating the hijab for every woman, because we wouldn’t accept being forced to adopt full Sharia right off the bat.

You can’t cook a frog by placing him in scalding water — he’ll jump out.

However, you can slowly increase the temperature until he is boiling before he ever knew the water was uncomfortable.


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