
How TV stirs up emotions

TV stirs up emotions

How is the television stirring up your emotions?

Researchers have found that the happiest people do not watch television.

Most advertising is based on making people feel self-conscious, insecure and inadequate.

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If we just buy this latest gadget, we’ll finally be happy! But it’snot physically possible to compete with the fake reality shown in movies and TV shows and comparing our lives to the people we see on screen can leave us feeling depressed and dissatisfied with our existence.

While this might have the effect of causing us to search for a deeper purpose to life, the common response to negative emotions is to hide them by searching out more intense entertainments and distractions – which TV networks readily supply, perpetuating the cycle of TV dependence.

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TV’s influence on our emotions doesn’t stop there. Watching scary or violent movies can cause us to relive traumatic memories from the past.

Viewing of violent or grotesque imagery creates chemical changes in our brain similar tothose seen in post-traumatic stress, and if we see enough repeated acts of violence, our body reacts as if we are the ones being abused.

Researchers have discovered that when we watch negative news broadcasts, not only are our lower emotions such as sadness, anxiety and depression stimulated, but unrelated worries in general become heightened.

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Test subjects were found to be more likely to catastrophise their concerns, blowing any worries they already had out of proportion.

TV creates a wide ranging emotional impact that we live with long after we have turned it off.

Television programmers are experts in emotional manipulation and when they can control people’s emotions they can turn them against you and anyone they see fit.

💮 [Read more: How TV can put you in a trance-like state ]

Spiritual minorities are a common target for demonisation.

TV programming can cause people to become afraid and distrustfulof anything not supported by the televised norm, and without awareness of this mechanism of fear people can readily give up their freedoms for an illusion of security.


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