
Kemetic / Egyptian Origin of Christianity||Gerald Massey's comparative list of Kemetic / Egyptian (pre-Christian) religious- philosophical data, Christianized in the Canonical Gospels and the Book of Revelation.

One questions that always arise is:
"If Kemet / Egypt was so great what happened?" The question is brief yet the answer takes days, weeks and even years to answer.

What happened to Kemet / Egypt was not an overnight event but was a process of destruction resulting from the Aryan (European and Arab) onslaught lasting more than three thousand (3,000 years) - from 1,500 BCE till 1,500 AD. The onslaught continues to this day with a militarily defeated population having to endure invading predators digging over and for remains (read treasures) of the
Kemet / Egyptian ancestors. In addition, having to endure identity
theft of epic proportions against absurd claims that Kemetcivilization was of Aryan (European, Arab [Semitic]) origins. We now have the destroyers claiming to have created the very civilization they have, and continue, to destroy. What a horror story!

Each succeeding group of invaders,
beginning with the Martu (erroneously called Assyrians), appropriated not only the material
spoils of Kemet society, but in
addition, the intellectual and
technological spoils as well. We
are talking about barbarian invaders setting themselves up as
rulers and forging their domains
on the spoils of the invaded. The fabrication of Christianity is one such example of a domain created by barbarian invaders on the spoils and demise of those from whom the foundation of Christianity was taken.

A brief explanation is in order.
African civilizations ranging from
Kemet / Egypt in North Africa to
Chou Civilization in Southern Asia
(the area now called China) were invaded by Aryan predators (now called Europeans, Arabs, and Asians) beginning approximately 1,500 BCE (Before Common Era).
With each civilization / society
that was conquered the invaders
used the spoils to fabricate societies of their own; the invaders of China created Jainism and Confucims; those in India created Brahmanism; those in Asia Minor created Zoroastrianism, and Judaism; and those invading Kemet created "Greek Philosophy", Christianity and Islam.

As a part of the process of domination each invading group claimed authorship of the knowledge base and technology
they appropriated from their victims. Each one claimed what they fabricated to have no relationship whatsoever with the civilization / society of the invaded population. Christianity is espoused in this fashion.

That Christianity is but stolen
Kemetic / Egyptian religious
philosophy and spirituality, including its rituals and beliefs,
reframed in an Aryan image is the subject of the following

The author and scholar Gerald
Massey, once a Christian Priest,
who began investigating the questions that Christianity's origins
posed for him found the trail leading to the civilization of Kemet / Egypt. As a consequence Massey became a student and investigator of Ancient Kemet / Egypt, subsequently revealed his findings in four major publications

- Books of the Beginnings , (2 vols.), The Natural Genesis (2 vols.), Ancient Egypt the Light of the World (2 vols.) and The Lectures (1 vol.).

Massey over the course of twenty
or so years presented facts proving Christianity was fabricated upon what was stolen from Kemet / Egypt; and that Christianity was in no respect original or from any god.

The following excerpt from the appendix of Ancient Egypt the Light of the World is of the comparative list Massey compiled demonstrating that Christianity is a plagiarized fabrication from its Kemetic / Egyptian origins. The list is eight pages in length; however we are presenting only two of the eight pages.

Hopefully you will acquire the
publications of Gerald Massey and
learn the truth about Kemet / Egypt and its impact on the fabrication of Christianity for yourself.


              PAGE 1

Egyptian - (Began 4,000 BCE)

•The Mysteries

•The Sem, or mythical representations

• The Ritual as the book.of resurrection

• The sayings of Iu or Iu-em- hetep

• Huhi the father in heaven as the eternal, a title of Atum- Ra

• Ra, the holy spirit

• Ra the father of Iu the Su, or son of God, with the hawk or dove as the bird of the holy spirit

• Iu or Horus, the manifesting son of God

• The trinity of Atum (or Osiris) the father, Horus (or Iu) the son, and Ra the holy spirit

•Iu-Su or Iusa, the coming son of Iusaas, who was great with Iusa or Iusu

• The ever- coming Messu
or Child as Egyptian

• Horus (or Heru), the Lord by name, as a child

• Isis, the virgin mother of Iu, her Su or son

•The first Horus as Child of the Virgin, the second as son of Ra, the father

•The first Horus as the founder, the second as fulfiller for the father

•The two mothers of Child-Horus,

•Isis and Nephthys, who were two sisters

•Meri or Nut, the mother- heaven

•The outcast great mother with her seven sons Isis taken by Horus in adultery with Sut

•Apt, the crib or manger, by name as the birthplace and mother in one

•Seb, the earth- father, as consort to the virgin Isis

•Seb, the foster- father to Child- Horus

•Seb, Isis and Horus, the Kamite holy trinity

Christian - (Began 200 BCE)

•The miracles.

•The parables.

•The Book of Revelation.

•The sayings of Jesus.

Ihuh, the father in heaven as the eternal.

•God the Holy Ghost.

•God, the Father of Jesus, with the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit.

•Jesus the manifesting Son of God.

•The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

•Jesus.The Hebrew
Messianic Child.

•Child-Jesus as the Lord by name (Gospels of the Infancy).

•Mary the virgin mother ofJesus.

•Jesus as the Virgin's child, the Christ as son of the father.

•Jesus as the founder, and the Christ as fulfiller for the father.

•The two mothers of Child-Jesus, who , were sisters.

•Mary, as Regina Cceli.

•Mary Magdalene, with her seven devils.

•The woman taken in adultery.

•The manger as cradle of the Child Christ.

•Joseph, the father on earth, as putative husband to the Virgin Mary.

•Joseph, as foster-father to the Child Jesus.

•Joseph, Mary and Jesus, a Christian holy trinity


              PAGE 2

Egyptian - (Began 4,000 BCE)

• Seb, the builder of the house, the carpenter

• Seb, the custodian of the mummied dead

• Sut and Horus, the twin opponents

• Horus, the sower, and Sut, the destroyer, in the harvest- field

• Sut and Horus contending in the desert

• Sut and Horus contending on the Ben

• Ben or pyramidion

• Horus carried off by Sut to the summit of Mount Hetep

• Sut and Horus contending on the mount

• Sut undoing the good that Horus does

• S'men, for Khemen, a title of Thaht

• S'men, who held Child- Horus in his arms as the young solar god

• Anna or Annit (a title of Hathor), with Taht- S'men

• The Petar or Petra by name in Egyptian as revealer to Horus

• The house in Annu

• The group in the house at Annu

• Horus in Annu Asar or Osiris

• The two sisters Mertae

• Osiris, whom Horus loved

• Osiris perfumed for his burial

• Osiris prays that he may be buried speedily

• Osiris prepared for burial under the hair of Hathor-Meri

• Osiris, who slept in the tomb at Annu

• Osiris raised from the tomb by Horus in Annu

• The mummy Osiris bidden to come forth by Horus

• The Great One who does the work of washing

• The star, as announcer for the Child Horus

• The seven Hathors (or cows) who minister to Horus

• Anup, the Precursor of Horus

• Anup, the Baptizer

• Aan, the saluter of Horus

• Aan, a name of the divine scribe

• Hermes, the scribe

• Mati, the registrar

• Taht, Shu, and black Sut

• Nut at the pool of the Persea, or sycamore- tree, as giver of divine drink

• Horus born in Annu, the place of bread

• The vesture put on Horus by the Goddess Tait

Christian - (Began 200 BCE)

• Joseph, the carpenter.

• Joseph of Arimathea, the keeper of the Corpus Christi.

• Satan and Jesus, the twin opponents.

• Jesus, the sower of the good seed, and Satan, the sower of tares.

• Satan and Jesus contending in
the wilderness.

•Satan and Jesus contending on the pinnacle.

• Jesus spirited away by Satan into an exceeding high mountain.

Satan and Jesus contending on the mount.

• Satan sowing tares by night.

• Simeon.

• Simeon, who took the Child-Jesus in his arms.

• Anna, the prophetess, with Simeon.

• Peter, the revealer to the Christ.

• Bethany.

• The group in the house at Bethany.

• Jesus in Bethany.

• The two sisters Mary and Martha.

• Lazarus, whom Jesus loved.

• Jesus anointed, when the odour fills the house.

• Jesus begs that his death may be effected quickly.

• Jesus prepared for his burial beneath the hair of Mary.

• Lazarus, who slept in the tomb at Bethany.

• Lazarus raised from the tomb by Jesus in Bethany.

• The mummy Lazarus bidden to come forth by Jesus.

• Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.

• The Star in the East that indicated the birthplace of Jesus.

• The seven women who minister to Jesus.

• John, the forerunner of Jesus the Christ.

• John the Baptist.

• John, the saluter of the Christ.

• John, the divine scribe.

• Hermas, the scribe.

• Matthew, the clerk.

• The three kings, or Magi.

• The woman at the well as giver of the water.

• Jesus born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

• The swaddling clothes put on the infant Jesus.

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