
Christian "Miracles" Scam

This  has to  be  addressed,  as I  know  some  people  are confused.  Once  things are explained  and  people  can  readily  see  the  truth  on  their  own,  there are no longer any unanswered questions or confusion.

Most  of  you  are  familiar with  subliminal and  how  it  works. This  also  has to  do with  energy.  Those  of  us who  have  been  harassed  and/or attacked  by  enemy spirits can  see  how  human  individuals in  the  advanced  stages of  xianity  have a  compulsive  obsession  to  push  and  coerce  their  xian  program  onto  anybody and  everybody.  They  are driven  like  a  reved  up  motor  and  relentlessly  harass, even  to  the  point  of  murder, as  history  has shown. 

The  alien  energy  engulfs the  xian,  who  in  the  advanced  stages looks like  some  sort of  alien  zombie  with the  smiley  mask,  parrots  out  scriptures  like  the  old  pull  on  the  cord  pre-school child’s toy  [prevalent  back in  the  1960’s and  70’s] where the  arrow  goes round and  round  and  a  prerecorded  voice  utters  a  phrase  depending  upon  where the  arrow  stops.

  There  is no  longer any  soul  or spirit,  just  an  empty  robotic shell  that  is completely  intolerant  and  self-righteous,  that  relentlessly  pushed xianity.  It  is so  obvious that  something  else  has  taken  over what  was once  a human being. 

Now,  most  of  you  here  are also  aware of  how  the  Jews have  near total control over the  medical  profession.  Cures  for cancer and  other lethal diseases are vehemently  suppressed,  especially  if  they  are  easy  and  inexpensive. 

For more information  regarding  this, along  with  plenty  of  references and  proof, please  read  Jewish  Opposition  to  Cancer Cures by  High  Priest  Don  Danko pdf 

The  Jews make  money  that  would  make  the  average  person’s eyes  water, just  from  the  medical profession  alone,  which  is way  out  of  proportion  with Jewish  doctors.

In  addition  to  this,  Hollywood  [again  subliminal] casts the majority  of  medical doctor characters in  movies,  sitcoms,  etc.,  to  have  Jewish surnames. The messages being that Jews are meant to be doctors. 

Now,  as for xian  “miracles” we  can  see  where  this is going.  With  xian  prayer groups,  the  energies  of  the  believers often  can  heal the  afflicted  one, somewhat  like  a  coven.  This is the  energy  directed  by  several minds. 

Also, certain  xian  individuals  who  developed  their  powers in  a  past  life,  often through  meditation  of  some  sort,  have  superior ability  in  this life,  as  when  one works on  one’s soul, this remains  through  life-times.  This has nothing  to  do with  one’s present  belief  system.  Certain  people  who  have  success  in  their prayers have  superior  ability,  as I  mentioned  above.

Another one  is  being  at the  right  place  and  the  right  time  and  encountering  certain  energy  that produces miracles and  having  that  belief  at  that  time.  Yes it  happens,  but  is very rare.
Now,  as for the  real  miracles [and  yes,  these  do  happen],  there is  an explanation.  Human-hating  alien  entities  as  most  of  you  know  are  behind Xianity,  Islam  and  related  programs.

These  aliens  made  a  deal with  the Catholic Vatican  centuries ago:  wealth  and  power in  exchange  for souls.  To make  these  phony  so-called  “religions” believable,  every  now  and  then,  these aliens will heal a  believer who  is afflicted.  This  is to  give  credibility  and  also the  healed  one  advertises in  most  cases.

BUT,  for every  one  who  is healed, millions of believers continuously suffer and never recover.  For another,  this is not  a  spiritual thing,  as  the  believer never has  any knowledge  regarding  how  he/she  was healed  and  of  course,  attributes all  to that  so-called  “God” of  theirs. 

I  remember a  xian  woman  who  was weak and had  a  tumor removed  and  before this, she  kept  on  about  how  “the  Lord” saved her and  such.  She  came  out  of  the  surgery  permanently  deaf  in  one  ear  and half  of  her  face  was practically  gone,  but  that  enemy  alien  had  her soul, as she  would  go  to  prisons and  spew  out  that  xian  filth  in  gratitude  to  jewsus. 

It  is obvious here  given  this example,  one  of  many,  why  this human-hating  alien scum  throws in  a  healing  every  so  often.  They  completely  possess  her mind and soul.  Just  stop  to  think how  much  illness,  afflictions  and  other problems that  plague humanity  because  of  a  lack of  spiritual knowledge,  keep  the  xian  programs going.  Xianity  profits off  of  all  of  this.  This keeps xianity  alive  and  thriving.

Now,  if  xianity  were really  benevolent  as  they  claim  it  to  be,  then  why  wont those  aliens,  jewsus and  his  degenerate  ilk give  humanity  the  spiritual knowledge  and  power so  people  can  heal themselves?  This here is  another obvious example  of  how  xianity  hates humanity.

Of  course,  they  TELL  you. That  is the  problem.  Too  many  people  are too  fucking  lazy  to  do  any  research or to  find  any  truths  for themselves in  spite  of  the  obvious. 

Also,  xians are taught top have faith, and never to question.  No  scam  or swindle  can  be  accomplished  without  the  victim  having  faith  and of course a lack of knowledge.

I  have  heard in  my  life  comments  of  how  “Rome  could  have  put  a  man  on  the moon.”  This would  have  happened  if  the  Jews hadn’t interfered  and  failed  in bringing  down  the  Roman  Empire  and  destroying  it  with  xianity. 

As most  of you  know,  Rome  got  too  advanced  and  sophisticated  for its  time  and  the knowledge  was taken  away  and  destroyed  and  all  of  Europe  descended  into the  Dark  Ages where the  xian  church  had  total control.  It  took  over 1,000+ years to  even  begin  to  recover. Most  of  the  population  lived  as illiterate  serfs [slaves].  

Now,  if  humanity  hadn’t been  repeatedly  attacked  by  human-hating  aliens and their  programs  of  xianity  and  Islam  and  their  tool, the  Jews,  we  would  have had the secret to immortality a long time ago. 

In  summary,  never be  taken  for a  ride  by  any  xian  that  claims he/she  is healed or that  jewsus heals  and  related  bullshit.

Again,  this is  no  more  than  spiritual exploitation. It’s all for show. 

High  Priestess Maxine  Dietrich

Taken From the book XIAN MIRACLES. 


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